Forgot Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser: LoL players have a much better skin in mind

Forgot Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser: LoL players have a much better skin in mind

Riot Games announced a new League of Legends Mordekaiser skin on Feb. 17 called Sahn-Uzal. However, in response to the news, players praised another fan-made costume that’s composed of… Hextech chests.

The League community has been asking Riot to return Hextech Chests to the game for weeks now. At the beginning of February, the developer said it won’t do it and explained its reasoning behind the decision. That’s why the social media has been flooded with posts related to the chests, and after Sahn-Uzal Morderkaiser’s announcement, one player proposed their Hextech chest alternative. It’s currently on top of the League subreddit.