How to get Galactic Weapon Skins in Overwatch 2

How to get Galactic Weapon Skins in Overwatch 2

Season 15 brought new weapon skins for all the heroes currently present in the game, but not all players can get them since purchasing one comes down to winning in a certain game mode. Casual players, this one might not be for you.

How to buy Overwatch 2 Galactic weapons

Junker Queen's weapon with the Galactic skin in Overwatch.
The purple goes well with several skins. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You can buy a Galactic weapon skin for 3,000 Competitive points in OW2. Every hero gets a Galactic weapon skin with the arrival of season 15, but you won’t find them in the shop. You can only access them by entering the Hero menu, choosing the character you want the skin for, and going to Weapon Variants.