This Dota 2 carry is terrorizing pubs even more now after wave of buffs in latest patch

This Dota 2 carry is terrorizing pubs even more now after wave of buffs in latest patch

Dota 2‘s latest update, 7.38, completely changed the game’s landscape, quite literally. With a new map and systems, lots of things are different in Dota, including Dragon Knight, who was at the receiving end of a huge buff to his Facets, leading to his win rate skyrocketing.

At the time of writing, Dragon Knight is sitting at an almost 59-percent win rate overall, according to Dotabuff, and this counts in his stats prior to Patch 7.38. In the update, Dragon Knight’s abilities were buffed and revamped, particularly his baseline ultimate and the Fire Dragon Facet. Now, DK can do splash damage no matter the Facet he chooses and his passive, Wyrm’s Wrath, is amplified by an additional 50 percent, which amounts to 60 bonus magical damage per attack when the Fire Dragon Facet is chosen. Add to that his level 25 talent, which gives an additional 50 percent Wyrm’s Wrath damage, and you’ve got yourself a mean draconic machine.