Dota 2‘s latest patch has surely reshaped how the game is played, and this one hero exemplifies that perfectly. Silencer, one of the most dreaded mid lane mages, can now farm the entire map at once by purchasing Aghanim’s Scepter and simply casting his Ultimate.
As demonstrated in a Feb. 22 Reddit post, Silencer’s Ultimate, a global spell that affects all hostile heroes and units on the map (including neutral creeps), now applies the Arcane Curse, his Q, when used. Arcane Curse deals substantial magic damage over time when leveled up, which it’s bound to be by the time Silencer picks up his Aghs. This allows him to farm the entire map simultaneously, raking in a ton of cash by decimating lane and neutral creeps, bringing him a few thousand gold every couple of minutes. If you buy a Refresher Orb with this extra cash, you’ll be able to farm even more by killing the bigger creeps in the camps, opening up the path to a full build and a victory before the enemy even realizes what’s going on.